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Interest Rates Demystified: A Real Estate Investor's Guide to Making Informed Decisions

Updated: Jun 19, 2023

As a real estate investor, predicting the future of interest rates is like trying to navigate a ship in a stormy sea - it's a challenging task that requires a steady hand and a clear understanding of the currents. In the past year, rates have risen substantially, and with the Federal Reserve suggesting that they may continue to raise rates in 2023, it's easy to assume that this will negatively impact mortgage rates. But, just as the sea is not always predictable, neither is the relationship between rate increases by the Federal Reserve and mortgage markets.

An important concept to keep in mind is the Federal Reserve's "terminal rate." This is the point at which the Fed plans to end the current cycle of rate hikes. For example, the current fed funds target range is 4.25% to 4.50%, but there are indications that rates may level off near 5.5%, which would be the terminal rate. Think of it like the eye of the storm - it's the point at which the Fed plans to bring the tempest of rate hikes to a close.

Mortgage rates, like the wind, can also be a leading indicator, meaning they will often rise or fall in anticipation of the Fed's rate moves. As a result, mortgage rates may peak well before the Fed reaches its terminal rate. It's like the waves, they can crest and crash before the storm even reaches its full fury.

Navigating these waters can be daunting, but, just as a seasoned sailor trusts in their compass and charts, real estate investors can trust in their understanding of these concepts and stay flexible in their decision-making, to better anticipate and navigate changes in interest rates.

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